When you use our services, you trust us with your information.

We understand this is a big responsibility and we work to protect your information while leaving you in control.


Mobility Maner srl is constantly committed to protecting the online privacy of users of its sites and all related subdomains and domains registered in the name of Mobility Maner srl (hereinafter, unless otherwise indicated, cumulatively the "Site").

This document (“Information”) has been drawn up in order to allow you to understand how your Personal Data, as defined below, will be processed when using the Site.

The Information is aimed at providing you with the necessary information so that you can express explicit and informed consent to the processing carried out through the Site, if you deem it appropriate.

In general, any information or Personal Data that you provide to Mobility Maner srl through the Site, or that is collected in another way through the Site, as part of the use of the services offered by Mobility Maner srl (the "Services"), as better defined below, will be treated according to the internationally recognized principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, limitation of purposes and conservation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

Data controller

Mobility Maner srl Via Lunga, 2670, 35046 BORGO VENETO (PD), VAT number 05257260280, is the Data Controller in relation to all Personal Data processed through the Site.

You can contact the Data Controller at the email privacy@mobilitymaner.com, at the certified email address mobility.maner@pecpronta.it or by telephone at 049 7852961.

The personal data being processed

When you browse the Site you may communicate to us or we may collect some of your Personal Data, which - depending on the case - may consist of an identifier such as a name, an identification number, an online identifier or one or more characteristic elements of the your physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity suitable for making you identified or identifiable (hereinafter only "Personal Data").

Your Personal Data may be collected either because you voluntarily provide it or simply by analyzing your behavior on the Site.

The Personal Data processed through the Site are as follows:

In various sections of the Site or the rental contract you will be asked to enter information such as your name, telephone number, email address, postal address, the company you work for, etc.

Furthermore, when you communicate with Mobility Maner srl via the email addresses or telephone numbers found on the Site, Mobility Maner srl may collect additional information that you decide to freely provide.

Identification data, Contact data, Data on personal characteristics, Data on the transaction relating to services, Economic and financial data

Some sections of the Site (e.g. the information request form) include free fields in which you can provide Mobility Maner srl with some information, which may contain Personal Data.

Since these fields are free, you may use them to communicate (voluntarily or otherwise) certain sensitive categories of Personal Data, such as data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a natural person, data relating to a natural person’s health or sexual life or sexual orientation.

Mobility Maner srl invites you not to send such Personal Data unless strictly necessary. Indeed, these special categories of Personal Data can only be processed with your explicit consent and in compliance with the legislation in force at the time. Mobility Maner srl therefore underlines the importance of expressing your explicit consent to the processing of special categories of Personal Data, should you decide to share such information.

As already mentioned above, in some sections of the Site or of the rental contract, you are allowed to insert text messages, visible to Mobility Maner srl, which may contain Personal Data of other people.

With respect to these hypotheses, you act as an independent data controller, assuming all legal obligations and responsibilities. In this sense, you grant on this point the broadest indemnity with respect to any dispute, claim, request for compensation for damage caused by treatment, etc. that should reach Mobility Maner srl from third parties whose Personal Data has been processed through your use of the Site’s functions in violation of the applicable personal data protection regulations. In any case, if you provide or otherwise process Personal Data of third parties in the use of the Site or the rental contract, you guarantee from now on - assuming all related responsibility - that this particular processing hypothesis is based on the consent of such interested third party or on another suitable legal basis that legitimizes the processing of the information in question.

When we send emails, messages, phone calls or more generally communications, we use tracking systems, subject to the user’s freely given consent, such as pixels or web bacons, to detect the opening of a message, the clicks made on hyperlinks contained within the messages, from which IP address or with which type of browser the message is viewed and other similar details.

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some Personal Data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used when submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment.

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning, to identify anomalies and/or abuses, and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site or third parties: except for this eventuality, data on web contacts currently do not persist for more than fifteen (15) days.

All information on the processing of Cookies can be found in the specific section accessible at the address https://www.mobilitymaner.com/cookies/.

Identification data, Contact data, Data on personal characteristics, Data on the transaction relating to services, Economic and financial data, Geolocation data, Data relating to driving style (excess speed, sudden braking, kilometers travelled, road travelled) , engine failures, etc.), navigation data on the platforms.

Identification data, Data on personal characteristics, Data on the transaction relating to services, Economic and financial data, including the financial solvency situation, Data on the transaction relating to services, Data relating to driving style (speeding, braking abrupt, kilometers travelled, road travelled, engine failures, etc.).

Purpose of the processing

Mobility Maner srl uses your Personal Data, collected through the Site or the Rental Agreement, for the following purposes:

  • provide Services such as: allowing you to register on the Site in order to access the reserved access section and help you in the event that you lose or forget the login details for registering on the Site ("Provision of the Service");
  • respond to your requests for information sent through the Support section or resolve any problems you may have encountered and provide you with any other Services you request (“Support”);
  • send you marketing communications, promotions and advertising, market research and surveys, by email, SMS, by telephone, by banner, paper mail, instant messaging, through an operator, as well as for marketing activities in the broadest sense, including prize events, games and competitions, of products and/or services relating to Mobility Maner srl or third parties ("Marketing");
  • to create your profile through the use of profiling cookies, where accepted, therefore collecting and analyzing information on your general activities on the Site. This profile will be used to provide you with information on other products and/or services that Mobility Maner srl thinks they may be of interest to you. All the algorithms involved in this automated or semi-automated process are regularly tested and associated with the preferences freely indicated by you in the Reserved Area to ensure that you are not offered products that are not of interest to you ("Profiling");
  • fulfill legal obligations that require Mobility Maner srl to collect and/or further process certain types of Personal Data (“Compliance”);
  • control the methods of use of the Site, prevent or identify any abuse in the use of the Site, or any fraudulent activity and therefore allow Mobility Maner srl to protect itself in court ("Abuse/Fraud");
  • for management of the contractual relationship with the Customer for the provision of services;
  • to examine the financial solvency of those who request the services offered, in order to avoid the financial risks associated with the latter;
  • to suspend the provision of services to the Customer and/or block the vehicle as provided for under the General Conditions;
  • to contact the Visitor to help him complete the request for services or when the payment process has not been completed;
  • to contact the Customer to agree on the place of delivery or return of the requested vehicle;

Legal basis and nature of the processing

The legal bases used by Mobility Maner srl to process your Data, according to the purposes indicated above, are the following:

  • Provision of the Service: processing for this purpose is necessary to be able to provide you with the Services and, therefore, for the execution of pre-contractual or contractual measures requested by you. It is not mandatory to provide Mobility Maner srl with your Personal Data for this purpose, but otherwise it will not be possible to provide you with any Service;
  • Assistance: processing for this purpose is necessary to be able to follow up on the request for assistance that arises from your free specific request by completing the form or making a phone call. It is not mandatory to provide Mobility Maner srl with your Personal Data for this purpose, but otherwise it will not be possible to provide you with any assistance;
  • Marketing: processing for this purpose is based on your consent. It is not mandatory to give your consent to Mobility Maner srl for this purpose and you are free to revoke it at any time without any consequences (except for the fact that you will no longer receive marketing communications from Mobility Maner srl). You can revoke your consent previously given by following the instructions in the "Rights of the interested party" paragraph;
  • Profiling: the processing for this purpose is based on your consent collected through the cookie banner. It is not mandatory to give your consent to Mobility Maner srl for this purpose and you are free to withdraw it at any time without any consequences. You can revoke your consent previously given by following the instructions in the "Rights of the interested party" paragraph or, as regards cookies, the instructions in the specific Cookies section (https://www.mobilitymaner.com/cookies/);
  • Compliance: processing for this purpose is necessary for Mobility Maner srl in order to fulfill any legal obligations. When you provide Personal Data to Mobility Maner srl, they must be processed in accordance with applicable legislation, which may involve their retention and communication to the Authorities for accounting, tax or other obligations;
  • Abuse/Fraud: the information collected for this purpose will be used exclusively to prevent and/or identify any fraudulent activities or abuses in the use of the Site and therefore allows Mobility Maner srl to protect itself in court ;

Recipients of personal data

Your Personal Data may be shared with the subjects indicated below:

  • subjects who typically act as data controllers, i.e.:
    • people, companies or professional firms that provide assistance and consultancy to Mobility Maner srl in accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial and debt collection matters relating to the provision of the Services;
    • subjects delegated to carry out technical maintenance activities (including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communications networks);
  • subjects with whom it is necessary to interact for the provision of the Services (for example to insurance companies);
  • persons authorized by Mobility Maner srl to process Personal Data necessary to carry out activities strictly related to the provision of the Services, who are committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g. employees of Mobility Maner srl);
  • company of the corporate group of which Mobility Maner srl is part or will be part in the future, for internal administrative and marketing purposes;
  • subjects, bodies or authorities to whom it is mandatory to communicate your Personal Data for Compliance, Abuse or Fraud purposes, or by order of the authorities;

Transfers of personal data

Some of your Personal Data is shared with Recipients, both internal and external to the corporate group of which Mobility Maner srl is part or will be part in the future, who may be located outside the European Economic Area. Mobility Maner srl ensures that the processing of your Personal Data by these Recipients takes place in compliance with the applicable legislation. Indeed, transfers are carried out through adequate guarantees, such as adequacy decisions, Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission or other guarantees considered adequate.

Storage of Personal Data

The Personal Data processed for the purpose of Provision of Services and Assistance, Mobility Maner srl may retain them for a longer period, in particular as may be necessary in order to protect the interests of Mobility Maner srl from possible complaints relating to the Services .

The Personal Data processed for Marketing and Profiling purposes will be retained by Mobility Maner srl until you revoke your consent; you will however be asked to renew your consent periodically. Once consent has been revoked, Mobility Maner srl will no longer use your Personal Data for these purposes, but may still retain them, in particular as may be necessary to protect the interests of Mobility Maner srl from possible complaints based on such processing.

Personal Data processed for Compliance purposes will be retained by Mobility Maner srl for the period required by specific legal obligations or applicable legislation.

The Personal Data processed for the purpose of preventing Abuse/Fraud will be kept by Mobility Maner srl for the time strictly necessary for the aforementioned purpose and therefore until the moment in which Mobility Maner srl is required to keep them to protect itself in court to communicate said data to the competent authorities.

Rights of the interested party

Depending on the country in which you reside, you have different data protection rights. Below you will find the list of countries in which we operate and related rights.

You have the right to ask Mobility Maner srl, at any time:

  • access to your Personal Data, (or a copy of such Personal Data), as well as further information on the processing in progress on them;
  • the rectification or updating of your Personal Data processed by Mobility Maner srl, where they are incomplete or not updated;
  • the deletion of your Personal Data from the Mobility Maner srl databases;
  • the limitation of the processing of your Personal Data by Mobility Maner srl;
  • to obtain the Personal Data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;

as well as you can:

  • object to the processing of your Personal Data by Mobility Maner srl;
  • revoke your consent for Marketing and Profiling purposes;

By sending a letter to Mobility Maner, to the address indicated in the header of this Privacy Policy or an e-mail to privacy@mobilitymaner.com, enclosing a photocopy of your identity document, you can at any time : access your Personal Data as well as receive information on processing, rectify or update your Personal Data, limit processing or export Personal Data in a structured format.

You can revoke your consent to Marketing by using the appropriate link found at the bottom of each communication received, or by sending an email to privacy@mobilitymaner.com.

Consent to Profiling through cookies can be revoked using the methods indicated in the section relating to Cookies (https://www.mobilitymaner.com/cookies/ )

In any case you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data is contrary to the legislation in force. Below are the contact details of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data:

In accordance with the data protection law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 modified by the law n ° 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, you have the right to ask Mobility Maner srl, at any time:

  • access to your Personal Data;
  • the rectification or updating of your Personal Data processed by Mobility Maner srl;
  • object to the processing of your Personal Data by Mobility Maner srl;

By sending a letter to Mobility Maner, to the address indicated in the header of this Privacy Policy or an e-mail to privacy@mobilitymaner.com, enclosing a photocopy of your identity document, you can at any time : access your Personal Data as well as receive information on processing, rectify or update your Personal Data, limit processing or export Personal Data in a structured format.

You can revoke your consent to Marketing by using the appropriate link found at the bottom of each communication received, or by sending an email to privacy@mobilitymaner.com.

Consent to Profiling through cookies can be revoked using the methods indicated in the section relating to Cookies (https://www.mobilitymaner.com/cookies/ )

In any case you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data is contrary to the legislation in force. Below are the contact details of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés - CNIL:

  • 8 rue Vivienne, CS 30223 - F-75002 Paris, Cedex 02
  • Tel.: +33 153732222
  • Fax: +33 153732200
  • email:
  • Website: http://www.cnil.fr

You have the right to ask Mobility Maner srl, at any time:

  • free access to your Personal Data, as well as further free information on the processing underway on them;
  • the rectification or updating of your Personal Data processed by Mobility Maner srl, where they are incomplete or not updated, provided that the legal requirements for this are met;
  • to be informed about the recipients, Mobility Maner srl is required to notify all recipients to whom the personal data concerning you have been communicated of rectification or deletion of the data or limitation of processing, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort;
  • the deletion of your Personal Data from the Mobility Maner srl databases;
  • the limitation of the processing of your Personal Data by Mobility Maner srl;
  • to obtain the Personal Data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;

as well as you can:

  • object to the processing of your Personal Data by Mobility Maner srl, for reasons arising from your particular situation, which is based on article 6 (1) (e) or (f) of the GDPR; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions;
  • oppose the processing of your Personal Data for Marketing and Profiling purposes at any time; this also applies to profiling to the extent that it is associated with such direct advertising;
  • In relation to the use of information society services, regardless of Directive 2002/58 / EC, you have the possibility to exercise your right of opposition through automated processes using technical specifications;
  • Revocability of declarations of consent pursuant to data protection legislation; furthermore, you can revoke the consent you have given to Mobility Maner srl at any time with effect for the future;

By sending a letter to Mobility Maner, to the address indicated in the header of this Privacy Policy or an e-mail to privacy@mobilitymaner.com, enclosing a photocopy of your identity document, you can at any time : access your Personal Data as well as receive information on processing, rectify or update your Personal Data, limit processing or export Personal Data in a structured format.

You can revoke your consent to Marketing by using the appropriate link found at the bottom of each communication received, or by sending an email to privacy@mobilitymaner.com.

Consent to Profiling through cookies can be revoked using the methods indicated in the section relating to Cookies (https://www.mobilitymaner.com/cookies/ )

In any case you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data is contrary to the legislation in force. Below are the contact details of Die Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit:

You have the right to ask Mobility Maner srl, at any time:

  • access to your Personal Data, (or a copy of such Personal Data), as well as further information on the processing in progress on them;
  • the rectification or updating of your Personal Data processed by Mobility Maner srl, where they are incomplete or not updated;
  • the deletion of your Personal Data from the Mobility Maner srl databases, if we keep them for too long or if their processing is limited in certain circumstances;
  • to stop the processing of your Personal Data by Mobility Maner srl; If Mobility Maner srl accepts that your objection is justified in accordance with your rights under data protection laws, Mobility Maner srl will permanently stop using your data for such purposes. Otherwise, Mobility Maner srl will provide you with justification as to why Mobility Maner srl will continue to use your data
  • the limitation of the processing of your Personal Data by Mobility Maner srl if:
    • It’s not accurate
    • It was used illegally but you don’t want us to delete it
    • It is no longer relevant, but you want us to keep it for use in legal claims
    • You have already asked us to stop using your data, but you are waiting for us to tell you whether we are allowed to continue using it
  • to obtain the Personal Data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;

as well as you can:

  • oppose the sending of marketing messages by Mobility Maner srl;

By sending a letter to Mobility Maner, to the address indicated in the header of this Privacy Policy or an e-mail to privacy@mobilitymaner.com, enclosing a photocopy of your identity document, you can at any time : access your Personal Data as well as receive information on processing, rectify or update your Personal Data, limit processing or export Personal Data in a structured format.

You can revoke your consent to Marketing by using the appropriate link found at the bottom of each communication received, or by sending an email to privacy@mobilitymaner.com.

Consent to Profiling through cookies can be revoked using the methods indicated in the section relating to Cookies (https://www.mobilitymaner.com/cookies/ )

In any case you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data is contrary to the legislation in force. Below are the contact details of The Information Commissioner’s Office:

You have the right to ask Mobility Maner srl, at any time and free of charge:

  • access to your Personal Data, (or a copy of such Personal Data), as well as further information on the processing in progress on them;
  • the rectification or updating of your Personal Data processed by Mobility Maner srl, where they are incomplete or not updated;
  • the deletion of your Personal Data from the Mobility Maner srl databases;
    • If your personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
    • If the processing of your personal data was based on the consent you gave to the person in charge, and you revoke it, provided that the aforementioned processing is not based on another legitimate cause;
    • The data controller’s processing was based on legitimate interest or in the fulfillment of a mission of public interest, and no other reason prevailed to legitimize the processing of his data;
    • For your personal data to be subject to direct marketing, including the processing of profiles relating to the aforementioned marketing;
    • If your personal data has been processed unlawfully
    However, this right is not unlimited, so that it may be feasible not to proceed with the cancellation when the processing is necessary for the exercise of freedom of expression and information, for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, for the fulfillment of a mission carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the person responsible, for reasons of public interest, in the field of public health, for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes, or for the making, exercising or defense of claims. Mobility Maner srl will be obliged to block the data when it is rectified or deleted. The blocking of data consists in the identification and confidentiality of the same, adopting technical and organizational measures, to prevent its processing, including viewing, except for making the data available to judges and courts, to the Public Prosecutor’s Office or to the competent public Administrations, in particular the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, for the need for any responsibilities deriving from the processing and only for the limitation period of the same. After this period, the data must be destroyed;
  • the limitation of the processing of your Personal Data by Mobility Maner srl; You can request the suspension of the processing of your data:
    • When you contest the accuracy of your personal data, for a period that allows the person responsible to verify them;
    • When you have objected to the processing of your personal data that the controller carries out based on legitimate interest or public interest mission, while the controller verifies whether these reasons prevail over yours;
    Request the data controller to retain your data:
    • When the processing is unlawful and you have opposed the deletion of your data and instead request the limitation of their use;
    • When the person responsible no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but the interested party needs them for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims;
  • not be the subject of individualized decisions before the data controller;
  • to obtain the Personal Data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;

as well as you can:

  • object to the processing of your Personal Data by Mobility Maner srl;
    • When they are subject to processing based on a mission of public interest or legitimate interest, including profiling;
    • When the purpose of the processing is direct marketing, including the aforementioned profiling;

By sending a letter to Mobility Maner, to the address indicated in the header of this Privacy Policy or an e-mail to privacy@mobilitymaner.com, enclosing a photocopy of your identity document, you can at any time : access your Personal Data as well as receive information on processing, rectify or update your Personal Data, limit processing or export Personal Data in a structured format.

You can revoke your consent to Marketing by using the appropriate link found at the bottom of each communication received, or by sending an email to privacy@mobilitymaner.com.

Consent to Profiling through cookies can be revoked using the methods indicated in the section relating to Cookies (https://www.mobilitymaner.com/cookies/ )

If your requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive (for example, repetitive in nature), Mobility Maner srl may:

  • Charge a commission proportional to the administrative costs incurred;
  • Refuse to act;

In any case you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data is contrary to the legislation in force. Below are the contact details of the Agencia de Protección de Datos:

You have the right to ask Mobility Maner srl, at any time:

  • access to your Personal Data, as well as further information on the processing in progress on them;
  • the rectification or updating of your Personal Data processed by Mobility Maner srl, where they are incomplete or not updated;
  • the deletion of your Personal Data from the Mobility Maner srl databases;
  • the limitation of the processing of your Personal Data by Mobility Maner srl;

as well as you can:

  • delete your personal information processed by Mobility Maner srl;
  • stop receiving marketing messages;

By sending a letter to Mobility Maner, to the address indicated in the header of this Privacy Policy or an e-mail to privacy@mobilitymaner.com, enclosing a photocopy of your identity document, you can at any time : access your Personal Data as well as receive information on processing, rectify or update your Personal Data, limit processing or export Personal Data in a structured format.

You can revoke your consent to Marketing by using the appropriate link found at the bottom of each communication received, or by sending an email to privacy@mobilitymaner.com.

Consent to Profiling through cookies can be revoked using the methods indicated in the section relating to Cookies (https://www.mobilitymaner.com/cookies/ )

Additional Notice for California Users

You also have the right to:

  • to be free from discrimination in the quality of products, goods or services. However, Mobility Maner srl reserves the right to offer a different price, rate, level or quality of goods or services if such price or difference is directly related to the value of the personal information provided to Mobility Maner srl;
  • to designate an agent to submit privacy requests on your behalf, but for your protection, we may need to verify your identity directly with you before fulfilling certain requests and will provide your personal information directly to you;
  • li>
  • to know if your information has been disclosed for direct marketing purposes;

In addition to the above, you can also exercise your rights by writing to Mobility Maner srl at the following address: privacy@mobilitymaner.com.


Rev-23.0727 of 27/07/2023